We recently came back from a holiday to Canada, the weather wasn't great but we did have a few good days. We were mainly based in Toronto which is a huge city, there are so many great shops. I was impressed at how tidy the city was, they have huge bins everywhere for rubbish and recycling. I try to recycle as much as possible so it was great to see these bins as standard. Another thing that I've taken from our holiday is that I'm trying not to drink cow's milk. I've been told, and know from personal experience, that it is a mucous forming food -I recal constantly clearing my thoat in the mornings at work after a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. Apparently cow's milk can also be attributed to snoring - now if only I could get CJ to stop drinking milk!
After scanning the shelves at our local grocery store for Almond milk, I was unable to find any, so Ii resorted to Oat milk and Rice milk. Oat milk has quite an oaty flavour - probably best used in porridge or cereal, it's a little strong for coffee, but not undrinkable. I find coffee with rice milk tastes a lot better and it slighlty creamier.
I found a recipe for making my own almond milk, it's a lot simpler than i thought. Here is a recipe although not the one I used, i didn't add any syrup or flavouring though.
I have cut out as much dairy as possible, although I do have margarine on occasion. I haven't had an cheese, chocolate or yoghurt since we arrived back- it's only been 5 days and I am recovering from a cold but I do feel I can breathe better. The day we flew back we had a big iced cappucino and I was really struggling to breathe and swallow on the plane. I feel a bit healthier I must admit and have no cravings for chocolate what so ever. I even tried a soya yoghurt today and it was actually quite nice! I'm not going to be one of those people who can't eat this and that when I'm out for dinner or at a friend's house - I will limit my intake of dairy if it's not possible to have an alternative instead.