Saturday, 28 May 2011

Just added new napkins to my shop

After neglecting my folksy shop lately, I finally added a new item. I have a few new ideas for napkins but you'll just have to wait a little longer for those.

And here is the final product

Please pop over to my shop for my other items here

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Past relationships

Isn't life funny. It seems someone hacked my e-mail account and sent all my contacts a spam message. A guy who i'd had a brief fling with a few years back contacted me as a result.
 -Things had ended suddenly between us, i assumed he was being a typical male and had met someone a bit more interesting after he stopped returning my calls. I was quite annoyed at the time as I quite liked him, and i had thought he was a nice guy.
So this guy, lets call him 'H' sent me a brief e-mail after he received my spam, asking how i was doing. I sent him a short but friendly reply. In his next e-mail he said he felt he had to explain why he 'fell off the face of the earth' back then and went on to say that he'd started developing feelings for me that he hadn't expected to. He'd just come out of a bad relationship and hadn't wanted to start something serious so soon afterwards. Understandable. I admit that was not the reason i was expecting. Of course i was really flattered, who wouldn't be! I had always wondered about why it ended like it had and now it's been put to bed.
He is in a relationship at the moment, i am engaged and live seas away, so there is really no possibiltiy of us getting together now. It does make me wonder though if he had been honest with his feelings right from the start, where we would be now.
But that is life, it's all about timing and if something is meant to be it will happen. I am really happy where i am now, i feel i can really be myself with CJ whereas with H i think i would have been trying to be someone i was not. And anyway, the cirumstances in which CJ and I met are so incredible that it couldn't possibly not be meant to be!

Sunday, 15 May 2011

My latest project

A few months ago i printed some designs on baby vests and sent them to CJ's sister for her newborn. Unfortunately they took forever to arrive and he was quite a big baby, so they didn't fit.

I decided to make him something that he could use and it wouldn't matter what size he was. I looked in a baby shop for some bibs but I could only find ones made of toweling or pvc, nothing that I could print on. So I decided to make my own. I have only completed one so far and it was fairly simple. I'm quite pleased with the outcome, what do you think?

Power of positive thought

CJ and I have been on the search for a house. We just really want to get 'on the ladder' and stop paying for someone else's mortgage with the rent we are paying. The only problem is, and i'm sure we're not the only ones, finding the money for the deposit. We have seen a house we both really like and now it's a matter of seeing if we can afford it. I am trying to use the power of positive thought and have printed pictures of the lounge and kitchen. They are posted at my work desk where i can see them easily. I like to believe that if you think about something enough it will happen, whether it's good or bad. But i am also scared of putting all my hopes into this house and then being disappointed if we were not able to get it. So i think i will not talk about it anymore incase i jinx it. I never thought myself to be superstitious but i do sound like i am...... although i'm not bothered about walking over 3 drain covers, or under a ladder etc.

I often find pictures online of houses and their interiors, i save the pictures i like for future use. Yesterday i came across a website where you can put all your pictures and articles. I was originally going to print out all the pictures and put them in a scrap book ( whenever i had the time) but now that i've found this site i can just put them all in the same place instead of having them in random files taking up space on my computer.  The site is called Evernote, i've not explored it much so i'm sure there is loads more you can use it for.

I find most of my inspiring pictures from this website. Here are some of my favourites.

The creators of this website also do a post of pets on furniture. If you are an animal lover you will love this.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Easter weekend review

Well Easter came and went, I can't say I have much to show for it though. I had great plans of getting stuck into my course work - i didn't even open a book. I was planning on doing some craft projects but only managed to half make a top for myself and CJ and I did a collage of african wildlife which we put on our lounge wall. We have a semi-african theme going on in our lounge, there is a lot of brown with a few splashes of colour. We have loads of photos which we took at a few game reserves in South Africa but have never got around to developing. I've been looking at a few online companies that offer quite cheap photos - we have so few pictures up on our walls. I want to enlarge a few of the really nice ones and put them up.... when I have a bit of time that is!

We had a good Easter break. I spent a bit of time with my sister, we went to Oxford for the day, had lunch and did a bit of shopping. I was trying to find some summer clothes for work but everything was so expensive - £35 for one top which was ok but not stunning. I would love to own some good quality clothes but just can't afford it - how depressing!

CJ bought some pot pourri but we do not have a pretty bowl to put it in, so i decided i would make one out of paper mache. I hope to finish and paint it this weekend and will post pics of the finished product!